There is no distribution of EX Sports Token ($EXS) yet and further details on the distribution will be announced. The team of EX Sports made considerations to resolve centralization risk to ensure the transparency and authenticity of our business. Please go through the rest of the article to find out the smart contract ownership details.
Smart contract ownership is given to the Gnosis Safe:
The contract addresses:
Token Address: 0xF8e4FB7f8729518e48e0Ac7FD9249E1B8503Edae
Timelock Contract Address: 0x84a0591de94fB3DE1F0cf19dC9Cd87519545Ac27
Gnosis Safe was chosen as it is the most trusted platform to manage digital assets with their multi-signature format for DAOs and teams.
The purpose of having signatures to confirm every transaction is to lower the risk of having unauthorized access to company crypto assets and smart contracts. There are a total of 2 signatures required to authorize transactions in order to enhance the security in EX Sports as well as keeping the smart contracts decentralized.
Decentralization Efforts
EX Sports adopts Gnosis Safe to improve the decentralization of the project.
The deployment of Gnosis Safe is at
With following owners/co-signers:
Signer 1: 0x0D63cbb57Ae6FA3057568d9844F23AEa87665F12
Which is added through transaction
Signer 2: 0x470AC93f56b09B1F3d8B2af13fb91B1aFdbe3608
Which is added through transaction
Signer 3: 0xfcB8e4E0Bd9261b976f424F97e5F249AFFFdC3Ad
Which is added through transaction
Since only 2 out of 3 wallets are required to sign in order to proceed Gnosis Safe. Therefore, given first 2 wallet addresses are owned & signed by EX Sports core team members, such as the COO and the third wallet is owned by CEO of EX Sports.
EX Sports Official Social Channels
Official Website:
Official Telegram:
Official Twitter: @ExSportsToken
Official Instagram: